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Christmas 2024
We are looking forward to celebrating the Christmas season and have a number of events planned. These will all be taking place at Evesham Baptist Church Community Centre, Offenham Road and everyone is welcome. A summary of events is outlined below, and please use the contact us form if you would like any further information.
Saturday 7 December 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. — Contemplating Advent
This is an opportunity to take a pause in the busyness of this season and set time aside to quietly reflect and meditate on the Scriptures surrounding the birth of Jesus.
Sunday 8 December 10.30 a.m. — Anniversary service
It’s now a year since we moved into our fresh new building. At our regular Sunday service we will be celebrating the first anniversary of being in the community centre with special guest Steve Finamore, President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Tea, coffee, mince pies and cake will be served after the service.
Sunday 15 December — Christingle service
Join us from 10 a.m. for toast and crumpets followed by an interactive service at 10.30 a.m. This event is designed for all ages together and, as part of the service, we will be making Christingles, a traditional symbol of Jesus, the Christmas gift coming as light into the world. Tea, coffee and mince pies will be available after the service.
Sunday 22 December 10.30 a.m. — Christmas celebration
As Christmas approaches this will be a lively, modern and relaxed Christmas service with all ages together and the opportunity for everyone to get involved. Tea, coffee and mince pies will be served after the service.
Sunday 22 December 6.00 p.m. — Carols by twinklelight
This reflective event will include traditional carols and readings involving members of our town community. No candles, but plenty of Christmas lights! Festive refreshments will be served after the service.
Wednesday 25 December at 10.00 a.m. — Christmas Day
The big day has arrived! Together we celebrate the birth of Jesus. This will be a shorter relaxed service suitable for all ages.
Unless specified, our Christmas church services are expected to last 60-90 minutes.
Come and join us, we look forward to welcoming you and celebrating Christmas together.