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Church Services

Our main church service takes place each Sunday at 10.30 a.m. The services comprises worship (including singing), teaching by our Minister, Edward Pillar and, occasionally, invited speakers. We usually share Communion as part of the Sunday service on the first, third and fifth Sunday each month. For Communion, we serve gluten-free bread and non-alcoholic juice in individual cups.

Children and young people form a valued part of our church family and groups for different ages often meet during the service. Further details can be found under ‘For children and young people’.

We look forward to welcoming you to our services at 10.30 a.m. each Sunday.

Readings and talks or sermons from the Sunday services are recorded each week and are available via the Sermons link above. The most recent talks can also be accessed via the panel on the right of this page.

Bulgarian Fellowship

A lively service is held each Saturday at 5.30 p.m. led by Pastor Ivan Ivanov.

Recent sermons and talks