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Share & Prayer

What is Share & Prayer?

Share and Prayer group

Share & Prayer is a group for women of all ages who want to explore what it means to follow Jesus. Typically, there are three parts to our meetings:

  • Settling in over a cuppa, biscuit and chat
  • Bible study — bible reading and leader-guided discussion
  • Sharing any prayer requests and praying through these together

Meetings are relaxed and informal, giving the opportunity for members to contribute as much or as little as they wish. The group has a strong desire to support others in the community and organises monthly collections for the local charity Caring Hands.

Where and when does Share & Prayer meet?

Share & Prayer meets on Thursday mornings during term time form 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon in the church community centre on the Offenham Road. Meeting dates broadly align with Worcestershire school dates.

What feedback have you had on the group?

Members tell us how much they value the opportunity the group provides to connect – with God and with each other – to continue to learn what it means to follow Jesus, and to be in a supportive, open and non-judgmental culture. It is widely agreed that, whatever is going on that day, people leave meetings feeling better for having attended the group.

“Go home feeling better, uplifted, inspired, always helpful to be together”

Those joining recently have appreciated the way in which the group has helped them get to know others and feel at home in the church.

How can I find out more?

If you would like to join us or know more, please ask at the church to be introduced to one of the leaders. New members or ad hoc visitors are always welcome.

Recent sermons and talks