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The current position

Exciting times — the building work is complete!

We are now very close to throwing open the doors of the new Church & Community Centre to new friends and old!  With just the final touches to the electrics and systems commissioning left to complete, we are moving from Cowl Street in Evesham town centre from 5th December 2023.  As soon as we are open we would be delighted if you would join us for our Sunday morning services (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon), including activities for children and young people.  There will be tea and coffee provided afterwards.

Early in the New Year we are planning an Open Day when there will be an opportunity to explore this beautiful new building and hear first-hand about the various church activities, ranging from a weekday ‘mother & toddler’ group, to ‘Men’s breakfasts’, a ladies’ ‘Share & Prayer’ group and much more.  Also, to view the facilities available to hire for private functions, conferences, meetings, groups or clubs.  Please see below for more suggestions and information.

Our new address is: Evesham Baptist Church & Community Centre, Offenham Road, Evesham WR11 3DY.  Vehicle access is via Wych Elm Grove WR11 3FT.

The new Church and Community Centre

We believe that Evesham Baptist Church is not just a building! We are a community of Christians in Evesham and its surrounding area, seeking to follow Jesus Christ and obey His teaching to love our neighbours. He loved and served all with compassion, responding to needs and rejecting no-one, regardless of their response to Him. We want our new home to be a place of welcome in His name, a place to meet, a place to find good friends and good things, a place to find peace and safety.

The whole facility is approximately 480 square metres, designed and constructed to public building standards. Audiovisual and wifi connections will be standard throughout and energy installations will be to the latest design requirements. The surrounding area to the front will be open and landscaped, with secure garden areas behind the church for use by children and other groups. There will be ample parking and EV charging points.  You can see a plan view of the new building here and the elevation views here.

Who do we want to be there?

Our church family
The new building will be where the church community lives, worships, works, socialises and plays. Everyone is welcome to join in these activities. Our plans show a clear view into an airy gathering space which leads into the main worship space/auditorium. We hope that this aspect of our design underpins our open welcome to all.

Our community
We plan to have a café space within the building that people in our community can use on a casual basis.

In addition, our facilities will be available for regular or occasional hire and we invite local groups to talk to us, even if they are not yet formed, about how we may be able to host them from some point in early 2024. We want our community to know this building is a place they can use.

Our hire rates will be reasonable, non-profit based, and likely to be lower the more who take them up.

We imagine our facilities might be suitable for many groups including, but not restricted to:

  • Children’s groups, such as scouts, guides, cubs, brownies, beavers, rainbows, cadets, baby and toddler groups, some sports groups, homework and after-school clubs.
  • Craft groups, such as knitting circles or artists’ groups.
  • Music groups, such as choirs, bands or orchestras.
  • Interest groups, such as local history, drama, U3A activities, Civic Society.
  • Support groups, such as slimming clubs, mental health drop-ins, Citizens Advice, Age Concern Outreach, other support groups and as a safe place for Voluntary and Public Sector agencies to meet clients.
  • Sports groups, especially informal social groups such as Pilates, yoga or table tennis.
  • Companies, charities, churches and other non-profit groups, for meetings and conferences or prayer meetings/events in our dedicated prayer room.
  • Families and friendship groups, for personal events, such as wedding receptions and parties

If you are dreaming about a group or event not covered by our list, don’t be afraid to talk to us about it. We have no wish to be exclusive. Get in touch! There’s a contact form at the bottom of this page.

How the facilities fit with these dreams
Please take a moment to look at our plans, both the layout and the elevation views.

If you do not have time to review our plans, here is a summary of the facilities our new building is likely to offer from late 2023 / early 2024:

  • Café area with supporting, well-equipped kitchen.
  • Large auditorium for worship which will be equally suitable for concerts or conferences (seating for about 150).
  • Oval prayer room generally available for private prayer or for small gatherings.
  • A flexible suite of rooms catering for meetings, activities, children’s and youth groups, games, conferences, meals and events, seating 20 to 80 (meals) or 75 (conference seating in the larger room).
  • Exterior soft play area for under 5s, a quiet, secure garden and outdoor informal gathering area.
  • Facilities for the disabled, families and children.
  • Minister’s / Private consulting room and Administrative office.

We welcome feedback about our plans and/or any interest you have in using our facilities in the future via our contact form below.

Who do we have to thank?

Our God
In all things, we give thanks to God, whose hand we believe supports and guides us in all circumstances.

‘Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.’
Psalm 107 v1

Our benefactor
We give thanks for our original benefactor, whose legacy has contributed both our site and half the cost of our planned build.

Members and friends of Evesham Baptist Church
Nearly a third of the build cost has been contributed or promised by our members and friends. We are grateful for everyone’s generosity and part in our building process.

Grant givers
We are continuing to apply to our local authorities and grant making trusts to ensure that we can equip the building well for a large range of uses. Those from whom we have already received grants include:

  • Evesham Town Council
  • Wychavon District Council
  • Benefact Trust
  • Beatrice Laing Trust
  • John Martin’s Charity
  • The Norwood & Newton Settlement

We are grateful for their partnership in our endeavours. We hope that they and others will support with further funding drawn from their current budgets to help meet the rapidly evolving needs of the Evesham and district community.


Thank you for taking the time to read about the current position with our building. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would be interested in discussing your plans or interacting with Evesham Baptist Church in any of the ways mentioned here. Watch this space for more pictures and other news over the coming weeks!

For the very latest images and updates on the build, see our Blog & News posts here.

Please write your message or query here. Do make sure you include your phone number if you would like us to call you.