What is Book Group?
Book Group started at Evesham Baptist Church in 2005. A small group of church members has been meeting every two months to discuss one or two books selected by the group at the previous meeting. Many – though not all – books selected are written by Christian authors and many have prompted lively debate.
Can you give some examples of books the Group has read?
Is the Group currently meeting?
The group has not met since lockdown started in March 2020 and is currently in abeyance following the leader’s move away from Evesham later in 2020. Updates on the group’s status will be posted on this page. Please use the Contact Form below to ask any questions.
Do you have any book suggestions?

Always worth checking The Big Church Read site to see what is being recommended for Christians around the country.
The current recommendation on the Big Church Read site is ‘Unleashed’ by Gavin and Anne Calver.
The early church spread with remarkable speed, impelled by joy, urgency, profound compassion, and the day-to-day experience of working in the power of the Holy Spirit. Despite opposition at all levels, the first Christians expressed their love and wonder in acts of kindness, worship, and their eagerness to share the good news of the risen Jesus.
Gavin and Anne Calver explore what this extraordinary historical account means for believers today, including: The Holy Spirit in the life of the church; taking risks; living together in the power of the Spirit; works and wonders; hearing from God; responding to the call of God; miracles then and now.

‘The purpose driven life’
Rick Warren
Suggested by Derek Markie, one of our Deacons, as a possible source of useful prompts at this stage in the life of Evesham Baptist Church.
If you would like to suggest a book, please do so via the contact form below . We would love to hear from you!