Home » Work underway, Spring 2023

Work underway, Spring 2023

Well, it’s (almost) Spring and the new Baptist Church and Community Centre on the Offenham Road is starting to take shape. Work commenced at the end of 2022, the ground was cleared, piling work took quite a few days and the steels are now in place, so the overall shape of the building is starting to be evident.

The ground was cleared, little to see at this stage…

In January, the piling work was done for the foundations.

In February, the steels were lifted and set into place.

View from the Offenham Road

By early March, the shape and size of the building becomes evident. This is the view from the Offenham Road/Codling Road roundabout.

EBC March 2023

A closer view from what will be the car park side of the building. March 2023.

 Simon Brown

20th April 2023 and the blocks forming the innner walls are being set in place.

 Simon Brown

14th May 2023. The brickwork has started though the scaffolding obviously is still in place at this point. The grass is getting longer as the weather is improving…!

New church building

December 2023. We give thanks that the building is complete and our first service took place on 10th December at 10.30 a.m.
We look forward to welcoming you at any future service.

Next: The final stage, late 2023

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